Intermittent Hypoxia Training:Novel Rehabilitative Therapy for Ischemic Stroke
If you’ve had an ischemic stroke, you may be interested in enrolling in this study.
We will test the effect of breathing reduced oxygen air on blood flow to the brain.
Participants must
• Have had mild ischemic stroke more than 6 months ago
• Be 50 to 85 years old
• Currently, a non-smoker
Participants will receive free medical screening, physical and memory tests.
Participants may be assigned to the control group or the training group. If you are in the control group, you will not have any intermittent hypoxia training sessions or visits. You will have up to 10 visits to UNT Health Science Center. If you are assigned to the training group, you will have a total of 22 visits to the lab, including 12 intermittent hypoxia training visits. Participants will be asked to breathe reduced oxygen air (hypoxia air). A single duration of breathing hypoxia air will be up to 5 minutes. A total time of breathing hypoxia air during a single training session will be up to 40 minutes. This is the first research protocol to study the effect of intermittent hypoxia training on humans with ischemic stroke; therefore, the potential risks of the intermittent hypoxia training on post-stroke subjects is unknown.
Participants will be paid for their time to visit the labs.
For more information, please contact
Ms. Ariana Ramirez
Institute for Healthy Aging
UNT Health Science Center
Phone: 817-735-2073 or e-mail: