Volunteer Opportunities 10/21/23

*** Walk to Defeat ALS – Fort Worth – 10/21/23
– Opportunity: Event is outdoors at a park. Dress casual, shorts/jeans/sweats are acceptable. Wear your student or HSC t-shirt.
o Food and water available for walk participants and volunteers.
o Two shifts, very flexible on times – 6 am to 10 am and 9 am to 1 pm.
 Duties involve everything from unloading the trucks and helping set up the events, put signs on the walk course, make sure water is delivered to the water stations, to staffing the registration and check in booth, to helping cheer on walkers, to passing out water on the course, to eventually help us pack up and reload the truck at the end of the event.
 To sign up as a volunteer, simply visit website at https://alstexas.org/volunteer/ and fill out the volunteer registration form. Contact: Sharon.mcgowan@als.org

*** Moving Day – Parkinson’s Foundation fundraising walk – 10/21/23
– Opportunity:
o Event is at Maverick Stadium, University of Texas at Arlington
o From 8:30am – 2:00pm and our opportunities can be divided into various shifts as needed.
o Opportunities include greeting attendees, passing out promotional items, photography, set up, and tear down
 To sign up as a volunteer, simply visit the website at https://parkinsonsfoundation.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/?id=76316 to fill out the volunteer registration form. Contact: ssaile@parkinson.org