Valubility of the Year Nominations are open

Is there someone you know who exemplifies our values as a way of life? Then honor them with a nomination for Valubility of the Year!

Nominations are open through Nov. 4.

Here is the nomination form:

Nominees should be team members who stand out as the kind of person who always goes that extra mile. Here are some things to look for:

  • People who not only live the values in extraordinary ways, they inspire others to do the same and have taken a leadership role to influence our culture
   • They consistently exceed our values in their everyday lives and interaction with others
   • They are a vocal ambassador for our values-based culture

Not sure who fits the criteria? Need ideas about what qualities to look for? Look no further than last year’s five honorees for inspiration — Dr. Thomas Moorman, La’Cresha Moore, José Peña, Rusty Reeves and Terry Stevenson. Each in their own unique way illustrates what it means to live our values. See more about them:

The Valubility Committee will consider all nominations before making recommendations to the Cabinet. The final decision on the 2016 Valubility honorees rests with the Cabinet.

Please visit our site for more information: