RISE is an online authoring tool that supports an up/down navigation approach between screens, with scrolling of individual screen content where required. It includes pre-built lesson templates optimized for different devices types and orientations, and also allows you to use learning blocks to create custom lessons.
LIB 400, 11:30 am – 1 pm
April 22nd
Part 1: Building Blocks with Rise
1. Create unique lessons by utilizing Rise’s custom interactive blocks to increase interactivity with instructional materials.
2. Enhance student learning with chunking, scaffolding, and application in a dynamic interface.
April 29th
Part 2: Rise and Comprehension Activities
Learning Outcomes:
1. Use Rise’s knowledge check blocks to gauge learner comprehension of course concepts.
2. Explore the ability to review and assess student retention through sorting blocks, labeled graphics, and flash cards.
Register here: https://www.unthsc.edu/center-for-innovative-learning/cil-faculty-development-and-training-registration/