Updates to Daily News: New daily deadline and campus calendar requirement

Daily News serves as HSC’s main internal communication tools for faculty, staff and students to share announcements, information about campus events and more. Anyone in the HSC community is able to submit items for publication to the Daily News website. An email is then generated from the website and arrives in HSC inboxes each weekday morning.

A survey was conducted this summer asking for feedback about Daily News. While the information from the survey is still being analyzed, the following changes will be made soon:

– Daily deadline change: Starting on Monday, Oct. 28, the deadline to submit items to Daily News will be noon each weekday in order to provide more time for editing and organization by HSC Marketing & Communications. This means that in order to include an item in the following day’s email, submissions must be made no later than noon the weekday before. If information is submitted after noon on a weekday, it will appear in Daily News two business days later.

Reminder: Daily News features the ability to schedule items in advance. When submitting an item, you may select future dates and also have the item run up to five days a time.

– Campus calendar submission requirement: Effective immediately, the Daily News submission form will have you submit your event first to HSC’s campus calendar in order to increase awareness of campus events. After items are published in the campus calendar, an event link will be published. It can then be added to your Daily News submission as a direct link.

Reminder: Items added to the campus calendar require a minimum of two business days to publish because of required reviews and approvals.

We hope you continue to enjoy using Daily News to keep HSC faculty, staff and students informed about everything going on across campus. Additional changes and improvements will be shared in the coming months. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns about Daily News, please contact news@unthsc.edu.