UNT System Human Resources emailed this on April 18, 2017:
To: Employees of UNTHSC, UNT Dallas, UNT System Administration
From: Dorothy Cummings, MS-HRM, Records Manager
Subject: Texas State Service Records
Thank you for your assistance verifying your months of state service, as requested March 1. As we noted, there is no state depository (online or paper) for employment data, so we knew that it would take some time to assist employees with this important record keeping task. Our goal is to ensure that all Texas State Service employment periods recorded in our system are correct, so we can transition to an automated system.
Here is an update regarding Texas State Service records:
Texas State Service
Thank you for your patience as we work through the more than 4,000 responses we received.
- We now are working with about 2,500 remaining email requests.
• Given the volume of emails and time needed to carefully review each, we anticipate that it will take eight (8) to ten (10) weeks for some responses.
Retirement Service Credit is Not Affected
Please be aware that Texas State Service months of service calculations are not related to retirement service credit. Texas State Service is about benefits associated with vacation accruals and longevity pay. Employees eligible for vacation accruals and longevity pay must be, or have been, employed at a Texas state agency and assigned to a position eligible for vacation and/or longevity pay.
Note that most faculty are not eligible for vacation accruals (except some positions at UNTHSC) or longevity pay. However, Texas State Service should be recorded in the event of a transfer to a non-faculty role that is eligible for vacation and longevity pay.
Find Your Texas State Service
- Log in to EIS (MySystem, MyHSC, MyUNTD, MyLaw).
- Select the Human Resources tab.
• If you have not updated your Texas State Service months of service, a pop-up will appear; follow the prompts to verify service.
• If you already have verified service, Select the Texas State Service – Review Months of Service link.
• View displayed records in real time, with any adjustments.
FAQs: http://insite.unthsc.edu/connections/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2017/04/months-of-service-faqs-april18-2017.pdf
Should you have questions or concerns as we work through the remaining emails, please contact UNT System Human Resources:
• Email: stateservice@untsystem.edu
• Phone: 855-878-7650, Option 4, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
Thank you!