UNTHSC Interprofessional Education and Practice Faculty Development: Certificates of Recognition and Distinction

The concept of interprofessional education and practice have a history dating back to the 1970’s, but its integration into the competencies and curricula of health professions education is relatively new. Currently all health professions require integration of interprofessional education (IPE) into their curricula. A majority of today’s health professions faculty were not exposed to interprofessional education and practice as a part of their own health professions training. Faculty are currently being called on to demonstrate innovative integration of interprofessional education and practice into the courses they teach. Promotion and tenure committees are beginning to recognize the value of IPE contributions. Accreditation programs are requiring evidence of IPE integration into curricula and course syllabi.

The UNTHSC Department of Interprofessional Education and Practice in partnership with the UNTHSC Center for Innovative Learning and Institute for Patient Safety have developed faculty development programs to promote faculty development around Interprofessional Education and Practice.
