UNT System News
UNT System Faculty and Staff:
We’re excited to announce that the UNT System website (untsystem.edu) has officially migrated to a new content management system platform. Site editors have been preparing for this move for many months to ensure a smooth transition.
Initially, you might encounter some minor quirks, such as a broken link. Site editors are available to resolve these issues. Please report any UNT System website issues to the UNT System webmaster at: untsweb@untsystem.edu.
If you encounter a broken link on any UNT System member institution website, please report the broken link and web page URL to the campus-specific webmaster:
UNT: ubsc@unt.edu
UNT Dallas: jared.horn@untdallas.edu
HSC: webmaster@unthsc.edu
Thank you for your patience, understanding and support.