UNT System Procurement Lets Talk, Table Talk on 10/31

UNT System Procurement will offer a “ Let’s Talk! Table Talk” at UNTHSC from 10 am to 11:30 am on Tuesday, October 31 in LIB 400. You can register in LearnHSC. (an email with link will be sent out).

We have implemented changes in the past few months. So, let’s talk. We are trying something new – a series of informal sessions where we provide the environment to talk. This is not a training – think of it a little more like a chat. The theme for this first series of Table Talks is “The Why”. We will be explaining the why for some of our processes and changes. We’ll also take your questions. The Offices of Strategic Sourcing, Contracts, & HUB will facilitate. If there are questions for other offices under Procurement (PCARD/Travel, Accounts Payable, Purchasing), staff from those offices will also facilitate.

To submit a question in advance, please keep the theme and ask the question as a “why” question. Here is a link to the form to submit your “why” question in advance:


Hope to see you there!