Training Opportunity: Performance Coaching Conversation

The UNT Systemwide staff performance program, launched in September, is designed to set clear expectations and encourage open communication.

The Quarter 1 Coaching Conversation will begin on Dec. 1. HR will be offering training to supervisors on providing feedback and coaching and how to navigate the performance management system. Training registration links and resources can be found on the Performance Webpage.

We are pleased to report that we’ve achieved an impressive completion rate of 97% for the “Create Performance Plan” step. If you have not completed the “Create Performance Plan” step, please make sure to do so as the due date was Oct. 31. If you are encountering issues with this plan step, please contact your HR Business Partner.

To access the staff performance system, click on the following link:

You may also access via the Staff Performance Evaluation tile within the Employee Self Service portal.

Again, if you have any questions, please contact Human Resources. Thank you for your continued engagement with the program and let’s keep up the great work!