How do UNTHSC leaders and the Safety Office decide whether to close UNTHSC due to inclement weather? The process begins several days ahead of time when the Safety Office alerts key leaders that bad weather is possible.
Then, if the National Weather Service issues a Winter Storm Advisory or Warning (usually 10-12 hours before the storm is expected) the UNTHSC Emergency Management Team arranges a conference call that includes deans, UNT Health’s chief medical officer and representatives from Facilities, UNTHSC Police, Safety Office and Communications & Marketing. This team discusses whether UNTHSC should close, making every effort to make the decision and let everyone know with enough time for them to protect themselves and their families.
When deciding whether to close, the team considers factors such as weather reports, local public school district plans for opening, road condition reports and information on campus conditions from Facilities and UNTHSC Police.
The campus will not open unless there is at least one clear pathway to each building on campus – this map shows the order in which paths will be cleared.
Read how we communicate that the campus is closed.
For information on personal preparedness for winter weather, see the CDC’s Winter Weather Checklists.