The Mark Foundation Emerging Leader Awards

The Mark Foundation Emerging Leader Awards support innovative cancer research from the next generation of leaders. These grants are awarded to outstanding early career investigators to support high-impact, high-risk projects that are distinct from their current research portfolio.

    • Letters of Intent must be submitted through the online application system no later than 5 PM Eastern Time on Monday, May 1, 2023.
    • The grant amount is $250,000 per year for three (3) years totaling $750,000.
    • Applicants must be three to eight years from the start of an independent faculty research appointment as of December 31, 2023.
    • Award start date will be January 1, 2024.

If you have a question about whether or not a proposed project is a good fit, you may contact Meredith Fogleman or Zoe Metcalf.

Foundation: For a full list of foundation opportunities please visit: Grant Funding Opportunities – Foundation – Research and Innovation (