$40.00 (cash only) Package includes:
>Two Home Game Tickets for Two (total of 4 Tickets) You will receive four home game tickets at no additional cost! Valid Sunday through Thursday for Lower Reserved, Lexus Club Terrace, Upper Box or Upper Reserved levels. Not to be combined with any other offers. Upgrade to Corner Box for $15.00 per ticket. Blackout games apply. No Online Redemption. Please see back of coupons for details. Maximum value $37.00/ticket AND YOU ALSO GET…. >Twelve Half Price Home Game Tickets You will receive twelve (12) half price tickets. Valid for Corner Box, Lower Reserved, Lexus Club Terrace, Upper Box or Upper Reserved levels. Not to be combined with any other offers. Upgrades available. Blackout games apply. Valid for online or box office redemption. Please see back of coupons for details. Maximum value $51.00/ticket
All Tickets Can Be Redeemed at the Box Office and the Texas Rangers Team Shop Located at 316 Main Street Fort Worth, TX 76102. Half-Price tickets can be redeemed online at www.texasrangers.com/smartcircle
To Order Your Texas Rangers Ticket Package Contact E.B.A.C ebac@unthsc.edu Sponsored by E.B.A.C ebac@unthsc.edu