The Goldring Center for Culinary Medicine at Tulane University is conducting a National Multi-Site Survey for medical students that focuses on competencies in and attitudes about clinical nutrition as well as your diet. Research from this study will be used to make recommendations about nutrition education in medical school curriculums.
The survey takes approximately ten minutes to complete and is anonymous and voluntary. Once you complete the survey you will become eligible for a $75.00 grand prize drawing. Please see conditions* and privacy** below.
* CONDITION: The drawing will be made from email address submissions separated from the survey results to preserve anonymity. The winner will be notified via e mail.
** PRIVACY: Your responses and e mail are only viewable to the study PI and Co I for purposes of the study and are kept on password protected Tulane University computers and secure servers. You can refuse to participate at any time. By clicking on the link you agree to participate in the survey. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey contact