Summer enrollment for benefits ends soon (Saturday, July 16, is the very last day to make changes)

Summer Benefits Enrollment is ending soon!

What is Summer Benefits Enrollment? It’s the annual time when you can make changes to your benefits (examples: add Dental, change health insurance plans, add or drop dependents, add Short Term Disability coverage, etc.) without a “Qualifying Life Event”.

When is it? It started July 4th and technically goes through July 16th but – since that’s a Saturday – don’t forget to log in to your ERS account and make changes by this Friday, July 15th:

Need more info? Check out the Summer Enrollment page at where you can watch a helpful video, and refer to your ERS Benefits package (sent to you via snail mail by ERS).

Don’t need to make any changes to your current benefits elections? You don’t need to do anything, in that case. Your current coverages will continue into the new year that starts September 1st. You only need to log in and make enrollment changes if you need to change any of your coverages.

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