So what is Handshake, you ask? This is no April Fool–Handshake is the #1 way college students get hired. Receive personalized job recommendations based on your major, interests, and skills. Apply to the latest jobs and internships from employers that want to hire students like YOU in your HSC discipline. Skip the lines and connect with employers at exclusive virtual career fairs and events. Get an inside look at jobs, employers, and more with thousands of student reviews. Oh, and there\’s an App, too!
You can access fulltime, part-time, and internship positons–all filtered and selected based on HSC disciplines and majors–directly through the HSC Connect Job Board ( Through a collaboration with UNT-Denton, all currently-enrolled HSC students have an active Handshake account, so you will just need to complete your profile online. Go to for more information (you will see the Handshake and UNT logos).
For questions, contact the HSC Career Center at