For all UNTHSC part-time hourly student employees who have worked on campus this year: The Career Center would like to cordially invite you to join us TODAY for an Ice Cream Social between 1:00-3:00 in the EAD Atrium. This event is being held in celebration of the PeopleFest events going on this week, and a way for us to recognize the hard work and dedication that you contribute in all areas around campus. Not a formal affair, so just ?come and go? when you are available?hopefully with your departmental supervisor and other staff.
Also, be sure to attend the PeopleFest Lunch and Games on April 27. All part-time and hourly staff, including student workers, are included as part of this celebration.
Thank you for all that you do to make UNTHSC such a great place to work and learn. We hope you will join us at the Student Worker Ice Cream Social today! For more information, contact the Career Center at or (817) 735-5020.