That?s right?Student Customer Service Training is back for another season! The UNTHSC Career Center has partnered with a representative team of Student Affairs and Human Resources staff to develop and implement a comprehensive Student Customer Service Training program called ?Serve Other First: Enhancing the Customer Experience Through Values.?
The curriculum is broken into four distinct modules that cover major tenets of customer service while also integrating the UNTHSC Values into the discourse. The four modules are as follows:
? Introduction to Customer Service (Module I)
? Communication Essentials (Module II)
? Preventing and Diffusing Challenging Situations (Module III)
? Respect (Diversity) (Module IV)
These training modules are now being offered to ALL students on campus who wish to participate. In particular, these training sessions are designed with part-time student employees in mind; however, the sessions provide professional development benefits that anyone can use throughout their career. Each module will conclude with a ?Values Review? quiz that the participant will have to pass to demonstrate mastery of the content and receive credit for the corresponding module. Those who successfully complete all four modules will be awarded a certificate as ?Customer Experience Champion.?
All sessions are offered over the noon hour at the location specified. Students can register by logging into their student ‘Career Solutions’ account on the Career Center home page at (User Name is generally UNTHSC e-mail address; Password is generally the 8-digit student ID). Click “Career Events? to select the session(s) and then ?Register for Event.?
For more information, contact the Career Center at or (817) 735-5020.