SPH Dissertation Defense – Nathaniel Webb

PhD Dissertation Defense

Defended by

Nathaniel Webb, MPH

Department of Population and Community Health


Structural Determinants of Health Among Transgender Populations: Policing, Sex Work, and HIV


Dissertation Committee:

Nolan Kline, PhD, MPH, CPH — Associate Professor, Dept of Population Health Science,

University of Central Florida

Stacey Griner, PhD, MPH, CPH —  Assistant Professor, Dept of Population &  Community Health,                                                                                                 UNTHSC

Matthew Rossheim, PhD, MPH, CPH — Associate Professor, Dept of Health Admin & Health Policy,                                                                                             UNTHSC

Andrew Yockey, PhD – Assistant Professor, Dept of Population & Community Health, UNTHSC


Wednesday,  January 11, 2024

3:00pm — 4:00 pm

EAD 600 and via Zoom
