Course Title: Healthy Sleep in the 21st Century
Session Title: Sleeping with the Enemy: How to Cope with Your Partner’s Sleep Habits
Description: This course is for anyone who sleeps with a bed partner. The goal of this session is to assist individuals with learning how to manage their own sleep needs in conjunction with dealing with a partner’s sleep habits.
Facilitator: Dr. Brandy M. Roane, Licensed Psychologist, Certified Behavioral Sleep Medicine Specialist, and Assistant Professor of Medicine at UNT Health Science Center
Date: Monday, September 28th
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Location: EAD-810
To Register:
1. Log-in to the EIS Portal (HSC) or EIS Portal (UNT)
2. On the left side menu ? scroll down and select ?Training & Development?
3. Select ?Training Enrollment?
4. Select ?Search by Course Number?
5. Type in the course Number of the class you are interested in (Course # for this talk is AP16H2)
6. Click on ?View Available Sessions?
7. Click on the session number you are interested in
8. Follow the remaining on-screen prompts to complete enrollment