Student Wellness Education And Training (SWEAT) is an organization dedicated to the importance of developing healthy habits as future healthcare professionals. Our organization welcomes all healthcare disciplines and programs at UNTHSC.
Our first general meeting will be on Monday, September 10, 2018 at 12:00pm in MET 125. We will be talking about our club and events we plan to hold this semester, including rock-climbing, ice skating, and more! Dr. Seals, our advisor, will also be speaking. There will be FREE FOOD to the first 30 members who RSVP. You MUST be a paid member in order to join our OrgSync page.
RSVP on OrgSync:
Non-members are invited to come as well to learn about our organization (and we might have extra food!).
Additionally, we have several officer and rep positions available (Historian, First-Year Rep, Physical Therapy Rep). Find out more at the meeting!
For questions, contact Co-President Ashley Ngo (