The HSC Center for Health Policy (CHP) invites students to join a Rapid Resources and Evidence-Based Advisory Program (RREAP) Health Literacy Lunch and Learn on Thursday, February 23, 2023, from Noon until 1pm.
Teresa Wagner, DrPH, MS, CPH, RD/LD, CPPS, CHWI, DipACLM, CHWC, Assistant Professor in the School of Health Professions will be presenting Make it Make Sense: Health Literacy for Healthcare Professionals.
This event is part of the ongoing RREAP at CHP which launched in August 2022. RREAP is lead by Dr. Wari Allison, Executive Director of the Center for Health Policy, and Dr. Crystal Hodge, Associate Professor in the College of Pharmacy. Interested students are encouraged to attend to learn about health literacy and about participating in next steps of the program.
Please register for the lunch by Friday, February 10. A virtual option is also available.
For further information on RREAP, please visit: RREAP: MonkeyPox – Center for Health Policy (