The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region housed at the Gibson D. Lewis Library would like to invite you to join us for the next session of our monthly webinar series.
This monthly 1 hour series will focus on topics of interest to clinicians, researchers, faculty, and information professionals.
Natalie Roy, Executive Director of AgriSafe Network, will present Strategies to Ensure Rapid Response to Emerging Agricultural Health Threats at 10am on Wednesday August 8th. Details on joining the meeting are available at the event link below. No registration is required, and the session is free to any interested parties.
Description: Agriculture is a rapidly changing industry with new occupational health threats that must be met by a systemic approach and trained professionals. For example, farm flood threats, as well as other extreme weather events require a rapid response among diverse stakeholders. Additional emerging health threats that require rapid response include opioid misuse, wildfires, and elevated suicide rates dues to the current farming crisis.
AgriSafe’s organizational readiness for addressing these threats includes:
1. Training rural health professionals across the nation
2. Establishing partnerships with NIOSH Ag Centers, rural research centers, and other NPOs
3. Ongoing needs assessment of Ag producer needs
4. A culture of readiness and organizational expectation to protect and respond