Annual parking permits are now on sale. All current parking permits for students, staff and faculty are due for renewal by Aug. 31, 2016.
Rates and policies remain the same this year with one exception: What has been known as Faculty and Reserved permits will all become Reserved permits on Sept. 1.
Reserved permit holders (whether faculty or staff members) will be able to use designated "premium parking" areas–Lot 6 in front of the EAD building and Garage 4, the small parking garage on the west side of Clifton Street. Cost for this premium parking will be $600 per year. Premium permit holders also may use any of the general employee lots and garages.
The change helps cover the continually rising costs of maintaining parking facilities and increasing parking capacity, including the $500,000 renovation of Lots 19 and 14 (south of the MET and Student Services buildings–see the renovated lots):
The renovations add 68 additional spaces. State funding cannot be used for parking facilities. This also brings our fees closer to state averages:
No other parking fees will increase. General employee parking permits may be purchased by any faculty or staff member and will remain $216 per year. These permits may be used in all lots and garages except Lots 1 and 2 (near the Patient Care Center) Lot 6 and Parking Garage 4.
Most permits may be purchased online. Please go to the following site. The heading says "UNT Denton Permit Information," but it does serves UNTHSC as well.
UNTHSC will continue to offer a 20 percent discount on parking fees to drivers of low-emission and fuel-efficient vehicles:
These low-emission and efficient permits must be purchased at the Police Department, 3600 Mattison Ave. You must bring a copy of your current insurance information with your name listed on the documentation.
Also, UNTHSC will still offer subsidized discount parking at the Will Rogers Center lot at Gendy Street and Lancaster Avenue. Cost is $54 per year. These permits also must be purchased at the Police Department, 3600 Mattison Avenue.
If you have questions, please visit:
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