Register and submit an abstract for the Womens Cardiovascular and Brain Health Symposium (WCBH)- Feb. 9, 2023

The 2023 Women’s Cardiovascular and Brain Health (WCBH) Symposium will be held on Feb. 9, 2023 starting at 8:00AM in the MET (room 109-111) building.

Students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend this event, in which there will be a free lunch, scientific talks from distinguished guest speakers, student poster and oral presentations/competitions, a panel discussion, prizes, and networking opportunities.

The purpose of the conference is to 1) promote research addressing women’s cardiovascular and brain health, 2) provide the opportunity for students and postdoctoral fellows to present their work, 3) foster regional and local research collaborations, and 4) raise awareness about the importance of women’s health research.

We encourage all students to submit an abstract by Jan. 13, 2023 for the opportunity to present an oral presentation and to win a prize. The speakers and the panelist for the symposium are dynamic experts in field that will facilitate a lively, engaging, and informative session.

Abstracts are due Jan. 13, 2023. Please submit your abstracts to:

*Students, faculty, and staff please register for this symposium.

For more information, such as speaker topics and schedule, please visit the websites:

For questions, email