REAP New Investigator Grant Applications Next Submission Date 5/15/2024

Application Link

Application Deadline: May 15, 2024

Program Overview
The New Investigator Pilot Grants Program awards are intended to assist investigators as they launch their independent research careers. The awards may be used for the collection of preliminary data, equipment, or research assistance necessary to strengthen an extramural grant application. Applications for both clinical and basic science research are encouraged. Faculty who receive support through this program are expected to collect preliminary data to submit a research proposal for extramural funding. Applications (see below) will be scored using an NIH 1-9 scale.

Applicants can request up to $50,000 for one year. A faculty member can submit only one application per funding cycle; unfunded proposals may be resubmitted one time with revisions. The maximum project period is 12 months.

Allowable costs: personnel (research staff, students, postdoctoral fellows, residents/fellows), inpatient/outpatient care, core services, travel expenses for fieldwork or other forms of data collection, supplies, consultant and equipment costs (less than $5,000).

Unallowable costs: faculty salaries, office equipment, renovations, alterations, and publication expenses.

Eligibility: Applicants must be New Investigators, as defined by the NIH. A New Investigator is one who has not previously competed successfully as PI for a major NIH independent research award. An investigator will retain their New Investigator status if they receive any of the smaller research grants, training, infrastructure, and career awards that appear on this list:

Applications are accepted through InfoReady. Proposals will include the following:

  • For Resubmissions only: One-page introduction that describes the changes made to the application in response to the reviewers’ concerns
  • Specific Aims (1 page)
  • Research Strategy (6 pages per grant mechanism)
    • Significance, Innovation, & Approach
  • NIH biosketches
  • Budget
  • Budget Justification
  • References (not included in page count)
  • SMART Goals

For more information, please visit Research Enhancement Assistance Program (REAP) webpage.