REAP FY23 Team Science Grant Recipients

Congratulations to the most recent recipients of the FY 23 Team Science Grant Recipients from the Division of Research and the Research Advisory Council:

Dimitrios Karamichos, PhD and Jayoung Kim, Ph.D.
3D-Printed, Personalized Corneal Model as a Topical Device for Improving Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking Therapy

Rebecca Cunningham, PhD, Bruce Bunnell, Ph.D., and Michael Allen, Ph.D.
The impact of gestational PCB exposure on maternal and fetal pathophysiology

Luis Colon-Perez, PhD, David Siderovski, PhD, Kyle Emmitte, PhD, Michael Forster, PhD
Team-based discovery and preclinical evaluation of cocaine addiction treatments

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Through REAP, the Division of Research and the RAC have awarded 14 internal grants totaling more than $750,000.