President Williams’ Town Hall summary


 If you didn’t have the opportunity attend or view my June 13 Town Hall, I want to take a moment to reaffirm my commitment to UNTHSC, our students and each of you. Here is a brief summary.

 Also, I want to thank you for your completing three recent surveys, and I invite you to go online and view the results

  • Survey of Employee Engagement 2016-Provides information to leadership about our workforce and organizational issues–and highlights our strengths and opportunities for improvement. Results are used by leadership to drive improvement across the organization.
  • Values initiatives Survey-Helps determine our progress to date and opportunities for improvement as we continue on Our Values journey.
  • Communications Survey-Identifies strengths and weaknesses in our institutional communications. Information is used to maximize communication effectiveness.
  • Influencers Communications Survey-Provides information to strengthen institution-wide communication by identifying key UNTHSC influencers. 

On these surveys, you said there are many positive aspects of working at UNTHSC: our people, our resources and work place. And you said we still need to work on trust, communication and being able to challenge the status quo. 

I am confident we have the commitment and energy to become an extraordinary team, committed to excellence, unafraid to challenge the conventional wisdom. 

It takes all of us to change a culture, and I ask for your partnership: 

  • Get involved in our Values teams
  • Live our values
  • Welcome opinions different from your own-we’re strongest when we consider all perspectives before making decisions. 

Also, I want to thank each of you for helping us accomplish great things this past year. Take another look at what we’ve done. High 5’s to all of you! 

I look forward to seeing you at my next Town Hall in September. 


Dr. Michael R. Williams, President