Podcast/Sound Booth (LIB-406) and Student Studio (LIB-402) are now open via appointment only when the library is open. You can submit your room reservation thru the Event Management System.
*Cleaning materials will be available.
*Wipes to clean the keyboard/mouse and a bleach solution & paper towels to wipe the table and the plastic shield that’s in front of the microphone.
*Cleaning instructions can be found in LIB-406/LIB-402.
PLEASE keep in mind the 6’ rule.
Limit 1 person for the Podcast/Sound Booth (LIB-406).
Limit of 2 in the Student Studio (LIB-402).
If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to Rens @ Ernesto.Bais@unthsc.edu or Adam @ Adam.VanFossen@unthsc.edu.