PhD Dissertation Defense, Lifestyle Factors and Depressive Symptoms Among Permanent Supportive Housing Residents Defended by Esther J. Holmes, MPH, CHES

School of Public Health Announcement
PhD Dissertation Defense
Defended by Esther J. Holmes, MPH, CHES®
Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems
“Lifestyle Factors and Depressive Symptoms Among
Permanent Supportive Housing Residents”
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm – EAD 291
Dissertation Committee:
Scott T. Walters, PhD
Regents Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems
Subhash Aryal, PhD
Research Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
Eun-Young Mun, PhD
Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems