Performance feedback app is now online

All direct supervisors are expected to conduct a performance feedback session with each staff member, with a start date before July 1, 2016, by Sept. 30.

Using the performance feedback method from last year, the 2016 process includes an online application for greater convenience and increased collaboration. Both team members and supervisors have portions to complete within the application.

The application is now open. You can access the application at

and log in with your EUID and password. Please use Safari, Chrome, or Firefox to access the application.

The deadline for completion of the 2016 Staff Performance Feedback process is Sept. 30.

Additional resources and training for supervisors and team members are available to assist with this process:

  – Access the Staff Performance Feedback Toolkit: 

  – Performance Feedback Application Training:
       o Offered throughout the feedback period
       o Use this site to get more information about dates, times, and locations (scroll down to Training Schedule): 

  – If you would like additional training on giving effective performance feedback, please contact the Office of People Development at

Questions? Contact the Office of People Development at or UNTHSC campus HR at