Starting tomorrow, you can participate in the Good Eating Challenge by eating and tracking 5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day!
Challenge participation will include use of an app (android or iPhone friendly) that is being sponsored by the Office of Advancement. As a University, we are competing against other organizations and businesses to eat the most fruits and vegetables! Our goal is to track healthy food consumption not physical activity. Participation in the challenge is an initiative of the Best Place for All committee, Wellness Services, Institutional Advancement and FitWorth.
How you’ll participate:
On Tuesday, you will receive a reminder email with instructions and an invitation code (UNTFit) to join the Eat 5 Servings of Fruit and Vegetables Challenge using the Foodstand app (available on iphone and android). The app will give you daily education and reminders, simple tracking, and support from each other. When you join using the invite code, you will become buddies with each other so you can track each other’s progress and offer support—right from the app.
For additional information, keep an eye out for emails with more details! You can also visit the FoodStand website:
UPDATED COWTOWN INFORMATION: The email sent Thursday had incorrect dates for the Cowtown Marathon. Cowtown will be held on Saturday, February 24th and Sunday, February 25th.