Funding Opportunity Number: PAS-25-073
Deadline: May 7, 2025, September 7, 2025
Objectives and Scope
This funding opportunity is intended to stimulate basic, translational, and clinical research within the mission of the NIDDK that addresses HIV/AIDS research topics identified as priorities by NIH.
The Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition seeks projects related to HIV or its treatment within its research mission. These include studies on gastrointestinal immunity and inflammation, the gastrointestinal microbiome, viral reservoirs within the gastrointestinal tract, enteropathy, noncommunicable liver and biliary diseases, viral hepatitis, pancreatic diseases, nutrition, and obesity. Basic, translational, and clinical research on biological, physiological, environmental, psychological, behavioral, and social processes is encouraged.
The Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases seeks projects within its research mission, including studies examining the effects of HIV, including relevant host conditions, anti-retroviral therapy (ART), or other HIV-related therapies on metabolic/endocrine function and metabolic/endocrine-related outcomes (such as HIV- and ART-associated adipose tissue/lipodystrophic changes, as well as disorders of glucose metabolism and other HIV-associated metabolic and endocrine perturbations). The Division is also interested in studies of HIV reservoirs in adipose tissue. Basic, translational, and clinical research on biological, physiological, environmental, psychological, behavioral, and social processes is encouraged.
The Division of Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases seeks projects related to kidney, benign genitourinary, and hematologic diseases or disorders related to HIV or its treatment as well as kidney and male genital tract viral reservoirs. Basic, Translational, and clinical research on biological, physiological, environmental, psychological, behavioral, and social processes is encouraged.
The scope of this NOFO includes, but is not limited to:
- Elucidation of pathophysiological pathways whereby HIV or its treatment contributes to comorbidities within NIDDK’s mission.
- Interaction of HIV or its treatment with physiological processes within NIDDK’s mission, such as metabolism, normal blood development, or gastrointestinal mucosal immune homeostasis.
- The impact of HIV or its treatment on the gastrointestinal or penile microbiome, pathogenic enteric microbes, male genital tract infections, or co-infection with hepatitis viruses.
- Response of the numerous tissues within NIDDK’s mission to HIV and HIV-associated inflammation.
- Cellular and molecular characterization of the HIV reservoirs in NIDDK-relevant tissues such as the male genital tract, the gastrointestinal mucosa, the kidney, or adipose tissue.
- The impact of health-impeding SDoH on the development of HIV-related CCCs within the NIDDK’s mission.
- The impact of health-impeding SDoH on viral reservoirs in tissues within NIDDK’s mission.
- Effectiveness research on programs aiming to alleviate health impeding social determinants of health, in order to reduce HIV-related CCCs within the NIDDK’s mission or to improve viral suppression in NIDDK-relevant tissues.
For more information, please see the opportunity webpage.