NIA Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Awards to Promote Diversity in Translational Research for AD/ADRD

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-271

Deadlines: February 12, 2025, March 12, 2025


The overall goal of the NIH Research Career Development program is to help ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained scientists is available in appropriate scientific disciplines to address the Nation’s biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs. NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) support a variety of mentored and non-mentored career development award programs designed to foster the transition of new investigators to research independence and to support established investigators in achieving specific objectives. Candidates should review the different career development (K) award programs to determine the best program to support their goals. More information about Career programs may be found at the NIH Research Training and Career Development website.

The purpose of the NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) is to help postdoctoral researchers complete needed, mentored training and transition in a timely manner to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions. The K99/R00 award is intended to foster the development of an independent research program that will be competitive for subsequent independent funding and that will help advance the mission of the NIH. Candidates must have no more than 4 years of postdoctoral research experience at the time of the initial or the subsequent resubmission or revision application. The K99/R00 award is intended for individuals who require at least 12 months of mentored research and career development (K99 phase) before transitioning to the R00 award phase of the program. Consequently, the strongest candidates will require, and will propose, a well-conceived plan for 1-2 years of substantive mentored research and career development that will help them become competitive candidates for tenure-track faculty positions and prepare them to launch robust, independent research programs. An individual who cannot provide a compelling rationale for at least one year of additional mentored research experience and career development at the time of award is not a strong candidate for this award.

Program Objective

The long-term goal of this program is to expand the pool of translational researchers who can effectively participate in and/or lead a team-science, precision medicine approach to studies of AD/ADRD treatment, prevention, early detection and disease management and care. This program is open to eligible candidates interested in one or more areas of translational research who can leverage NIA’s investment in research on AD and aging to advance cross-disciplinary training in new approaches to AD/ADRD treatment, prevention, disease management and care. Research areas appropriate for this NOFO include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Applying various aspects of data science (e.g., genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, computational biology, bioinformatics, mathematics, engineering, and biostatistics) to AD/ADRD and neurodegenerative research
  • Obtaining skills in traditional and emerging drug discovery and drug development (e.g. medicinal chemistry, high-throughput screening, quantitative pharmacology, toxicology, and clinical trial design)
  • Translating principles and research findings from behavioral and social research into the development of individual, population, and system-level interventions aimed at reducing dementia risk, preventing cognitive decline and dementia, and improving the health and well-being of persons living with dementia and their caregivers
  • Conducting cross-national dementia research using harmonized data on cognitive function to identify potential modifiable causal drivers of dementia risk and resilience
  • Developing and/or establishing research on health disparities in AD/ADRD to inform the design of representative and culturally appropriate preventions, treatment, disease management and care interventions

Program Considerations

Consistent with NIH practices and applicable law:

  • An individual candidate’s race, ethnicity, or sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, or transgender status) may not be considered as a factor for purposes of program eligibility or candidate selection
  • NIA does not use the race, ethnicity, or sex of candidates in the application review process or funding decisions
  • Applicant institutions are encouraged to conduct outreach activities to foster awareness of this research funding opportunity for potential candidates from all backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups. Applicant and awardee institutions should consult with their General Counsel to ensure all applicable laws and regulations are being followed in program design and implementation

For more information, please see the opportunity webpage.