NEXT IPE: Oct 25 and Nov 1

HSC to host Interprofessional education classes on the following afternoons:
Wednesday, October 25. 1-5 p.m.
Wednesday, November 1, 1-5 p.m.

We appreciate your support in these large scale classes.
Please contact our department if you have any questions.

HSC’s IPE brings an additional 600 health profession students to our campus from:
Tarrant County College
Texas Christian University
Texas Woman’s University
University of Texas at Arlington
Weatherford College

Health professions participating:
Allopathic Medicine
Athletic Training
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Healthcare Administration
Medical Assistant
Osteopathic Medicine
Physical Therapist Assistant
Physical Therapy
Physician Assistant
Public Health
Radiologic Technology
Respiratory Care
Social Work
Speech-language Pathology

IPE Team