TO: Investigators, Research Coordinators, IRB Members, Research Community
SUBJECT: Introducing IRBNet
Dear Colleagues,
The IRB Office for the North Texas Regional IRB is pleased to announce the adoption of the industry leading IRBNet suite of tools, bringing electronic protocol management, on-line submissions and many other important research oversight features to the JPS and UNTHSC research community.
Our Office and our research community have long recognized the need to reduce manual and paper-based procedures, streamline protocol submission and review processes and leverage today’s best technologies throughout the research lifecycle. As an important step toward these objectives, the North Texas Regional IRB is adopting IRBNet which will bring a robust set of electronic tools supporting the management, submission, review and oversight of human subject research protocols.
Some of IRBNet’s many features include electronic document management, web-based protocol sharing and collaboration, automatic notifications, electronic submissions and reviews, integrated training and credential management, and important audit capabilities including electronic revision histories, electronic signatures and event tracking.
The North Texas Regional IRB has carefully chosen IRBNet not only for the important capabilities that it provides, but also because IRBNet is secure, web-based, and extremely intuitive and easy to use.
Starting August 1, you may access IRBNet from virtually any computer using a web browser by visiting At this site, you may then self-register and create your own User ID and Password, as part of the JPS and UNTHSC research community, and immediately begin using these exciting new tools.
Please also see the attached set of IRBNet Training Energizers and information about other training and assistance to help you get started.
IRBNet Training Energizer- New User Registration
IRBNet Training Energizer- Researcher New Project Submission
IRBNet Training Energizer- Researcher Post-Submission Advanced Topics
[These training tools are also available on-line at IRBNet as videos or downloadable pdf files. But you have to register first in order to access them on the website.]
The North Texas Regional IRB will begin accepting electronic protocol submissions for convened (Full Board) protocols via IRBNet for the August 20, 2018 submission deadline for the September 11, 2018 IRB meeting.
Beginning on September 1, 2018, all protocols (Exempt, Expedited and Convened [Full Board] protocols must be submitted electronically via IRBNet, and all review decision letters will be issued electronically via IRBNet.
For additional information please contact the following persons who can assist you with any questions you may have as we move forward with this important initiative.
For University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC)
Tania Ghani, MS, CIP
(817) 735-2038
Itzel Peña Pérez, MS, CIP
(817) 735-0673
For John Peter Smith Health Network (JPS) researchers, prior to uploading the protocol into IRBNet, please ensure that the JPS feasibility assessment form has been submitted and evaluated by the JPS Office of Clinical Research. Contact persons for JPS:
Melissa Acosta, PhD
(817) 702-5913
KaTonya Williams
(817) 702-4186
Somer Blair, PhD (JPS feasibility form)
(817) 702-8253
Andrew Adorboe
(817) 702-5156
Once again, the North Texas Regional IRB is pleased to bring these robust new tools to our research community.
Brian A. Gladue, PhD, CIP
Executive Director, North Texas Regional IRB