New Funding Opportunity: National Cancer Institute

National Cancer Institute
Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-22-057

Basic/Translational Research on Health Disparities in Underrepresented People Living with HIV (PLWH) and Cancer (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Deadline: December 15, 2023

Through this new funding opportunity announcement (FOA), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to focus on basic mechanistic and translational studies using the R21 grant mechanism to investigate HIV and cancer in underrepresented groups. In the context of this FOA, underrepresented groups include racial, ethnic, and gender minorities, including underserved minorities living in geographical areas that have high numbers of new HIV infections (e.g., Southern and some urban areas in the United States, international sites that have higher rates of underlying HIV infection). Mechanistic and/or translational studies that examine how different comorbidities, associated behaviors, and other disorders (e.g., diabetes, smoking, injecting drug users, obesity, etc.), contribute to the initiation, progression and disease sequelae in underserved populations may be proposed. This initiative will increase our understanding of the role of HIV infection on cancer health disparities in these underserved populations.

For more information please see the Funding Opportunity Announcement

For a full list of grant opportunities please visit the REAP webpage Research Enhancement Assistance Program (REAP) – Research and Innovation (