Need to share an announcement in Daily News?

Need to share an announcement in Daily News? It’s easy!

Did you know you can create, edit and publish your own announcements by clicking the link at the top of your Daily News email and logging in with your HSC user ID and password? When you click through, you’ll see a button at the top left to “Add an Announcement.” Follow that button, and create your announcement!

You can choose from any section other than Campus News, which is reserved for broad-based HSC News or UNT System announcements. After making your selection, you can set the date(s) (up to five dates at once), add hyperlinks and make edits as needed. If you need to make edits later, simply log back in and use the search function to find your announcement.

HSC brand communications follow Associated Press style, so please carefully consider which words in your titles/headlines should really be capitalized.

Thank you!