On November 1st, each HSC student will receive an invitation via email from the American College Health Association (ACHA) to participate in the National College Health Assessment (NCHA). This survey is designed to assess student health behaviors and provide us valuable insight into ways we can provide more meaningful services and programs for our students.
Each student that completes this online, 20-30 minute survey will have their name entered in a random drawing and 10 students will win their choice of an Apple Watch SE 2 or AirPods Pro 2.
We recognize that the NCHA survey covers sensitive content and there may be some personal discomfort with the content of certain questions. For example, there are questions regarding illegal substance use, interpersonal violence, and sexual behavior. Please know that while answers to the survey are confidential, if you would like to talk with someone about issues addressed in the survey, please contact the HSC Care Team at 817-735-2740 or CareTeam@unthsc.edu.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to Andrew Arvay, Director of the Office of Care and Civility at andrew.arvay@unthsc.edu.
We look forward to utilizing the information this survey provides in order to inform the events and services that enhance learning and the student experience at HSC. Thank you in advance for your assistance!