Manager Minute – Keep your team’s well-being high

Are you encouraging your team to focus on their physical and emotional well-being right now? Below are some tips provided by Gallup. A link to the full article is at the end of this Daily News post.

•  Exercise: Working out at home can offer some advantages, such as convenience and privacy. Beginners can start with a routine of core resistance moves, like squats, wall sits, calf raises, planks or crunches.

If you can handle more than that, add pushups, lunges or burpees.

Set a timer for 10 to 20 minutes, and count the number of reps you accumulate.

Do it again the next day, and suddenly you’ve created a manageable routine with metrics that drive competitive and high-achieving employees.

People who are fueled by close interaction might like following a guided workout — in which case they can download a yoga app or visit a website that offers workouts that are customized and require little or no equipment.

•  More than a chore: Daily home upkeep can be a good way to introduce more activity.

Turn on some music and groove while you do the dishes, vacuum and sweep with energy, and put some elbow grease into scrubbing.

Cleaning with vigor can burn as many calories as some activities in the gym, and it is arguably just as productive. With an eye on the bigger prize of creating an orderly environment, it can be easy to ignore the fact that you’re exercising. For bonus points, choose a task that mixes physical activity and a considerable reward, such as decluttering a closet.

•  Vitamin D: Open your shades when the sun comes up, or step outside. Bringing sunlight into your home will help balance your circadian rhythm for better sleep and energy management. And stepping outside for even just a quick breath of fresh air will make you feel more alive and less isolated.

•  Intervals of work: No one should spend the day in a dark room with a computer, so move around — write and send emails in your main computer room, take phone calls in the bedroom where it is quiet, and ideate in a room filled with sunshine.

Experiment with different surroundings, and be flexible by going back and forth between them throughout the day as you discover where you do your most productive work.

•  Social lift: The lack of a commute gives you more time to talk to the people you love — video chat technology is a great option for those who are far away. And though many are worried about the consequences of a global pandemic or recession, there’s plenty of good news to share. So connect with your colleagues and friends by sharing some good news, and ask them to do the same.

•  Time for reflection: Being at home for an extended period can provide an opportunity for contemplation. Check in on your well-being goals, and create new plans for your future. Time for introspection can help sharpen health skills, like mindful eating and self-analysis.

•  Grocery delivery: Many supermarkets offer online ordering and delivery. These options have not been overwhelmingly popular for everyone, but now is a great time to try them. You won’t be tempted by the sights or smells of not-so-healthy foods, so it’ll be much easier to stay in control and choose the straight-and-narrow staples — vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains and lean proteins — that contribute the most to your health and fitness.

Excerpts taken from:

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