The Institute for Health Disparities is excited to announce a call for proposals.
The Texas Center for Health Disparities (a component of the Institute for Health Disparities) is 1 of 12 specialized centers of excellence in minority health and health disparities in the country, and the only one in Texas. We are seeking continued funding and developing a continuing competitive application. In our application we must submit 2-3 research projects.
Do you have a project proposal that would meet the following criteria?
- Addresses health disparities through a transdisciplinary, multi-level, multi-domain perspective.
- Engages community collaborators (e.g., community-based organizations, heath systems, state and local public health agencies, school systems, faith-based organizations).
- Project can be a full-scale or more exploratory/developmental project.
- Have fully developed and specified research plans at the time of application. Planning-phase studies, in which the topic area or study design is determined after award as the result of community and stakeholder input processes, will not be supported.
- Animal studies will not be supported.
All the projects selected will be synergistic to develop a unifying thematic focus theme for the entire application. We estimate funding availability to be between $50-$200K per year for 5 years.
If interested in submitting a proposal and learning more please email no later than Friday, October 14. We will hold a virtual meeting on the week of Oct 24 where you will pitch your proposal. The pitch will need to include 1) health disparity research area, 2) target population, 3) community partners you will engage, 4) approach, and 5) health outcomes.