HSC guidelines: Events, protocol, and public displays/campus art processes

HSC guidelines: Events, protocol, and public displays/campus art processes, Part 1

As HSC returns to in-person events, the University Event Strategist & Protocol Officer and Campus Curator Shea Patterson Young is responsible for three essential campus processes – events, protocol, and public displays/campus art.

Shea will provide consultation across the campus to ensure HSC events correctly represent the HSC brand and our mission, vision, purpose, and values.
Key functions of Shea’s position and guidelines will be reintroduced over three days in HSC Daily News to create a better understanding of processes and expectations.

Event Process Reminder:

Planning a special event? Event Intake Forms must be completed for all special events whether they occur on or off campus. The process starts with filling out the Event Intake Form at the inception of the event, which captures key information and includes event details. This intake process also provides an opportunity to list events on the campus calendar.

A link to this Event Intake Form is always available at the top of our Insite page.

Shea will consult on all faculty/staff-initiated events (on and off campus) that meet any of the following criteria:
• More than 100 guests
• Cost over $2,500
• Involve service of alcohol
• Have a VIP present (such as an elected official, international guest, VIP community guest or Dr. Williams)

Student driven events fall within Student Affairs

If you are planning an event that meets any of these criteria, please reach out to Shea immediately for assistance and guidance.

Examples of Special Events include a reception, banquet, conference, luncheon, fair, accreditation visit, awards ceremony, academic ceremony, appreciation event, holiday event, retreat, team building event, recognition event, Research Appreciation Day, White Coat ceremony or Commencement, press events, VIP tours, etc…

Completed Event Intake Forms are routed to Events Council members in specific areas.
The Events Council, led by Shea Patterson Young, is a cross-functional team established by the President’s Office and empowered to deliver this process with a One University perspective. The Council’s charge is to synergize all HSC events to give them the best chance of success and plan with respect to all involved. Your Council representative ( member list) https://www.unthsc.edu/about-us/special-events-office/events-council/ can help you in determining dates for large events, as they fit into the broader campus calendar.

More assistance is available on the Special Events Office website, which offers:
• A special events checklist
• List of frequently used caterers and venues
• Tips for a successful event
• Protocol basics
• A suggested timeline for event planning
• Budget template

Don’t see what you need or still have questions? Contact Shea Patterson-Young for a personal consultation at Shea.PattersonYoung@unthsc.edu or at 817-735-0301.