HSC Center for Health Policy is looking for Affiliated Faculty

Are you interested in becoming a HSC Center for Health Policy Affiliated Faculty?

The HSC Center for Health Policy welcomes faculty interest in faculty affiliation from across HSC and from external academic organizations. Affiliated Faculty of HSC Center for Health Policy primarily have to be actively contributing to or collaborating on at least one of the various research, education, community, policy and other activities of the Center.

Resources and support provided to affiliated faculty include for grant preparation and management (collaborative grants), communications and dissemination including policy briefs, early access to event and conference registrations, networking and collaboration events and opportunities as our pool of affiliated faculty grows.

Applications are open from Friday, September 1, 2023 to Friday, November 3, 2023
Affiliate faculty will be announced on Monday, November 20, 2023.
Affiliate faculty accepted to the Affiliate Faculty Program will begin on Monday, January 1, 2024.
Affiliate faculty appointments will be reviewed at the beginning of every HSC fiscal year.

Apply here: https://redcap.untsystem.edu/surveys/?s=H8EDNL9FPPDAHFX7