A change has been made to an official campus policy affecting students, faculty and employees at The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth.
HSC does not tolerate discrimination (HSC Policy 5.106). The 1.104 Free Speech and Public Assembly on Campus Grounds policy has been updated to reflect HSC’s commitment to creating and maintaining a respectful environment that values the different perspectives, experiences and backgrounds of all members of its community. The intent of the policy revisions is to create a safer environment, provide greater clarity and to protect the rights of all on the HSC campus. Changes to the policy are in effect as of May 20, 2024.
Please take a moment to review the updated policy in its entirety via PolicyTech. PolicyTech is the central repository for all policies, procedures and documents for the HSC campus and is searchable by keywords, titles and reference numbers.
As a reminder, policies are the guidelines or laws that drive processes and procedures. Procedures are the detailed steps required to perform an activity within a process.
The Office of Institutional Integrity and Awareness is the official repository and point-of-contact for university-wide policies. It is the policy of HSC at Fort Worth to ensure all new and revised policies are formatted, processed and recorded properly in compliance with UNT System Rules of the Board of Regents and System Regulations.
If your department needs to add an existing policy on PolicyTech, or to get clarification on a policy, email compliance@unthsc.edu.