How is your teen’s sleep and heath?

The Teen Sleep and Health Project is a research study that aims to examine how sleep in teens (grades 9-12) impacts weight over a 16-21 day period. Medications are not used in this study. If you and your teen previously participated in this study, you may be eligible to re-enroll.

If you would like more information or are interested in participating, please call the Sleep Research Lab at (817) 735-2337 or email us at

What will be asked of you and your teen?

-An initial screening will need to be done to verify eligibility.

-If eligible, your teen will meet with research staff members 2 additional times over a 16-21 day period.

-During these visits, your teen will complete study questionnaires.

-At home, your teen will wear two small devices that measure activity and sleep and completely daily records about his or her daily rhythms.

-Compensation will be provided.