Would you like to help UNTHSC live out our values of vision, collaboration, and service?
One way you can do that is by being a host for the HSC Explore Summer Research Internship Program!
We are looking for research labs to host one to two high school students for a 5-week internship this summer. Promising 10-12th grade high school students from the Dallas-Fort Worth area (with preference being given to students from Fort Worth ISD) will receive hands-on experience and the chance to learn more about career opportunities. Participating labs will receive a $1,000 stipend per intern for use in research.
If you are interested, please complete the following application found at the included link by February 3 for consideration. Please include a brief description of your research, as well as proposed activities for the student during the internship. If you have any questions, please contact Katy Heesch, Director, External Relations at katy.heesch@unthsc.edu or 817-735-2254.
Faculty Mentor application: https://unthsc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5b9OQvJWxXHj4Wy