Hope Funds for Cancer Research – Postdoctoral Fellowship

Proposal Deadline: September 24, 2024

Stipend Amount: $181,500 over 3 years.


Hope Funds for Cancer Research is offering fellowships to postdoctoral scientists who propose to work on highly innovative research projects that challenge the traditional paradigms of understanding the causes, mechanisms, progression, disease markers or risk factors of the most difficult-to-treat cancers, including pancreatic, lung, liver, sarcomas, esophageal, brain, gastric, bone and ovarian cancers; and rare leukemias, lymphomas and MDS. The Trustees of the Hope Funds believe that funding research that could lead to breakthroughs in these areas and increase life expectancy in these types of cancers is at the core of its mission. The Fellowship Review Committee will consider each of the following criteria, with a strong emphasis on the innovation of the project, in evaluating candidates.

  • Innovation: The originality of the project and the use of novel concepts, hypotheses, approaches, methodologies, tools and technologies in the area of cancer research. The level to which the project challenges existing paradigms and presents innovative hypotheses to promote progress in the prevention, control and treatment of the most difficult-to-treat cancers (e.g. pancreatic, lung, liver, sarcomas, esophageal, brain, gastric and ovarian cancers).
  • Significance: The direct relevance of the research proposal to issues regarding prevention, control or treatment in the most difficult-to-treat cancers. The importance of the project’s outcomes on the concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, services, or preventive interventions that drive the field of cancer research.
  • Approach: The conceptual framework and reasoning around the design, methods and analyses proposed and their appropriateness to the aims of the project. The identification of potential problem areas in the approach proposed, and the consideration of alternative approaches.
  • Investigators: The qualifications, experience, and productivity of both the candidate and the principal investigator. The appropriateness of the project proposed to the experience of the principal investigator and if applicable, collaborative investigators.
  • Environment: The quality of the training provided by the research environment in which the proposed research is to be conducted and the potential for broadening and strengthening the candidate’s ability to conduct innovative and significant research.

For more information, please see the foundation website.