Holiday Space Decorating Contest

Go ahead and jump into the Holiday spirit and start decorating! The decorations should be put up between November 19th and December 7th. Please take a picture and send to by Noon on December 7th. Very important: Please have a sign stating your department name and room # somewhere in the picture. The Best Place for All Judging Tour will take place on Wednesday, December 12th beginning at 2 pm. A voting link will be posted on the Daily News on December 12 & 13 for voting; and winners will be announced on the Daily News and through email on December 17th.

Winners will receive:

– Fun Club Choice: A plaque to display in office, choice of a pizza and candy party valued up to $75 total.
– 1st Place People’s Choice: A plaque to display in office and a choice of a pizza valued up to $50 total.
– 2nd place People’s Choice: Choice of bagels or donut valued up to $25

If you have any questions, please contact

All items must be deliverable.
Thank you!