Hello all,
Just a friendly reminder that we are quickly approaching the 8/15/2022 deadline to review your direct report’s position description in People Admin and complete the Microsoft form regarding Minimum Qualifications and Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities.
Please find attached the link to video recording of the meeting. Use this material as a refresher to begin your editing, or to assist if you missed the sessions.
The link to the form for Minimum Qualification recommendations mentioned in the second half of the session is found here:
The link for the presentation can be found here.
Please use the Knowledge/Skills/Abilities (KSA) bank to help with completion of the form.
Please forward as appropriate.
If you have questions about the review process, please reach out to HRComp@untsystem.edu.
If you have difficulties viewing the recording, please email HSC.HR@untsystem.edu.
Thank you!
Your HSC HR Team