Gallup Engagement Survey coming Sept. 27

HSC Faculty & Staff:

On Sept. 27, the Gallup Engagement Survey will send each individual a unique link to answer questions that measure each person’s level of engagement.

What does the survey entail?

The Gallup Engagement Survey measures engagement using 12 standard questions (referred to as Q12). These questions are related to engagement in that they are proven links to performance outcomes, such as, absenteeism, safety incidents, turnover and an increase in productivity. The benefit to taking this survey is to have your voice heard. Teams can apply the information from the survey results and follow a simple framework to continuously have conversations about the NEEDS associated with each of the questions. Analyzing results, having discussions about those results, and acting based on those discussions will create high engagement levels over time.

For a look at the Q12 questions and to get a deeper understanding of the questions, visit our Engagement FAQs page.